// offering a custom alias suport - more info: http://docs.jquery.com/plugins/authoring#custom_alias (function ($) { /** * $ is an alias to jquery object * */ $.fn.lightbox = function (settings) { // settings to configure the jquery lightbox plugin how you like settings = jquery.extend({ // configuration related to overlay overlaybgcolor: '#000', // (string) background color to overlay; inform a hexadecimal value like: #rrggbb. where rr, gg, and bb are the hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue values of the color. overlayopacity: 0.8, // (integer) opacity value to overlay; inform: 0.x. where x are number from 0 to 9 // configuration related to navigation fixednavigation: false, // (boolean) boolean that informs if the navigation (next and prev button) will be fixed or not in the interface. // configuration related to images imageloading: 'images/lightbox/loading.gif', // (string) path and the name of the loading icon imagebtnprev: 'images/lightbox/prev.gif', // (string) path and the name of the prev button image imagebtnnext: 'images/lightbox/next.gif', // (string) path and the name of the next button image imagebtnclose: 'images/lightbox/close.gif', // (string) path and the name of the close btn imageblank: 'images/lightbox/blank.gif', // (string) path and the name of a blank image (one pixel) // configuration related to container image box containerbordersize: 10, // (integer) if you adjust the padding in the css for the container, #lightbox-container-image-box, you will need to update this value containerresizespeed: 400, // (integer) specify the resize duration of container image. these number are miliseconds. 400 is default. // configuration related to texts in caption. for example: image 2 of 8. you can alter either "image" and "of" texts. txtimage: '当前', // (string) specify text "image" txtof: '共有', // (string) specify text "of" // configuration related to keyboard navigation keytoclose: 'c', // (string) (c = close) letter to close the jquery lightbox interface. beyond this letter, the letter x and the scape key is used to. keytoprev: 'p', // (string) (p = previous) letter to show the previous image keytonext: 'n', // (string) (n = next) letter to show the next image. // don纾� alter these variables in any way imagearray: [], activeimage: 0 }, settings); // caching the jquery object with all elements matched var jquerymatchedobj = this; // this, in this context, refer to jquery object /** * initializing the plugin calling the start function * * @return boolean false */ function _initialize() { _start(this, jquerymatchedobj); // this, in this context, refer to object (link) which the user have clicked return false; // avoid the browser following the link } /** * start the jquery lightbox plugin * * @param object objclicked the object (link) whick the user have clicked * @param object jquerymatchedobj the jquery object with all elements matched */ function _start(objclicked, jquerymatchedobj) { // hime some elements to avoid conflict with overlay in ie. these elements appear above the overlay. $('embed, object, select').css({'visibility': 'hidden'}); // call the function to create the markup structure; style some elements; assign events in some elements. _set_interface(); // unset total images in imagearray settings.imagearray.length = 0; // unset image active information settings.activeimage = 0; // we have an image set? or just an image? let纾� see it. if (jquerymatchedobj.length == 1) { settings.imagearray.push(new array(objclicked.getattribute('href'), objclicked.getattribute('title'))); } else { // add an array (as many as we have), with href and title atributes, inside the array that storage the images references for (var i = 0; i < jquerymatchedobj.length; i++) { settings.imagearray.push(new array(jquerymatchedobj[i].getattribute('href'), jquerymatchedobj[i].getattribute('title'))); } } while (settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage][0] != objclicked.getattribute('href')) { settings.activeimage++; } // call the function that prepares image exibition _set_image_to_view(); } /** * create the jquery lightbox plugin interface * * the html markup will be like that:
* */ function _set_interface() { // apply the html markup into body tag $('body').append('
'); // get page sizes var arrpagesizes = ___getpagesize(); // style overlay and show it $('#jquery-overlay').css({ backgroundcolor: settings.overlaybgcolor, opacity: settings.overlayopacity, width: arrpagesizes[0], height: arrpagesizes[1] }).fadein(); // get page scroll var arrpagescroll = ___getpagescroll(); // calculate top and left offset for the jquery-lightbox div object and show it $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrpagescroll[1] + (arrpagesizes[3] / 10), left: arrpagescroll[0] }).show(); // assigning click events in elements to close overlay $('#jquery-overlay,#jquery-lightbox').click(function () { _finish(); }); // assign the _finish function to lightbox-loading-link and lightbox-secnav-btnclose objects $('#lightbox-loading-link,#lightbox-secnav-btnclose').click(function () { _finish(); return false; }); // if window was resized, calculate the new overlay dimensions $(window).resize(function () { // get page sizes var arrpagesizes = ___getpagesize(); // style overlay and show it $('#jquery-overlay').css({ width: arrpagesizes[0], height: arrpagesizes[1] }); // get page scroll var arrpagescroll = ___getpagescroll(); // calculate top and left offset for the jquery-lightbox div object and show it $('#jquery-lightbox').css({ top: arrpagescroll[1] + (arrpagesizes[3] / 10), left: arrpagescroll[0] }); }); } /** * prepares image exibition; doing a image纾� preloader to calculate it纾� size * */ function _set_image_to_view() { // show the loading // show the loading $('#lightbox-loading').show(); if (settings.fixednavigation) { $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentnumber').hide(); } else { // hide some elements $('#lightbox-image,#lightbox-nav,#lightbox-nav-btnprev,#lightbox-nav-btnnext,#lightbox-container-image-data-box,#lightbox-image-details-currentnumber').hide(); } // image preload process var objimagepreloader = new image(); objimagepreloader.onload = function () { $('#lightbox-image').attr('src', settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage][0]); // perfomance an effect in the image container resizing it _resize_container_image_box(objimagepreloader.width, objimagepreloader.height); // clear onload, ie behaves irratically with animated gifs otherwise objimagepreloader.onload = function () { }; }; objimagepreloader.src = settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage][0]; }; /** * perfomance an effect in the image container resizing it * * @param integer intimagewidth the image纾� width that will be showed * @param integer intimageheight the image纾� height that will be showed */ function _resize_container_image_box(intimagewidth, intimageheight) { // get current width and height var intcurrentwidth = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').width(); var intcurrentheight = $('#lightbox-container-image-box').height(); // get the width and height of the selected image plus the padding var intwidth = (intimagewidth + (settings.containerbordersize * 2)); // plus the image纾� width and the left and right padding value var intheight = (intimageheight + (settings.containerbordersize * 2)); // plus the image纾� height and the left and right padding value // diferences var intdiffw = intcurrentwidth - intwidth; var intdiffh = intcurrentheight - intheight; // perfomance the effect $('#lightbox-container-image-box').animate({ width: intwidth, height: intheight }, settings.containerresizespeed, function () { _show_image(); }); if ((intdiffw == 0) && (intdiffh == 0)) { if ($.browser.msie) { ___pause(250); } else { ___pause(100); } } $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').css({width: intwidth}); $('#lightbox-nav-btnprev,#lightbox-nav-btnnext').css({height: intimageheight + (settings.containerbordersize * 2)}); }; /** * show the prepared image * */ function _show_image() { $('#lightbox-loading').hide(); $('#lightbox-image').fadein(function () { _show_image_data(); _set_navigation(); }); _preload_neighbor_images(); }; /** * show the image information * */ function _show_image_data() { $('#lightbox-container-image-data-box').slidedown('fast'); $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').hide(); if (settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage][1]) { $('#lightbox-image-details-caption').html(settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage][1]).show(); } // if we have a image set, display 'image x of x' if (settings.imagearray.length > 1) { $('#lightbox-image-details-currentnumber').html(settings.txtimage + ' ' + (settings.activeimage + 1) + ' ' + settings.txtof + ' ' + settings.imagearray.length).show(); } } /** * display the button navigations * */ function _set_navigation() { $('#lightbox-nav').show(); // instead to define this configuration in css file, we define here. and it纾� need to ie. just. $('#lightbox-nav-btnprev,#lightbox-nav-btnnext').css({'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageblank + ') no-repeat'}); // show the prev button, if not the first image in set if (settings.activeimage != 0) { if (settings.fixednavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnprev').css({'background': 'url(' + settings.imagebtnprev + ') left 15% no-repeat'}) .unbind() .bind('click', function () { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // show the images button for next buttons $('#lightbox-nav-btnprev').unbind().hover(function () { $(this).css({'background': 'url(' + settings.imagebtnprev + ') left 15% no-repeat'}); }, function () { $(this).css({'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageblank + ') no-repeat'}); }).show().bind('click', function () { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } // show the next button, if not the last image in set if (settings.activeimage != (settings.imagearray.length - 1)) { if (settings.fixednavigation) { $('#lightbox-nav-btnnext').css({'background': 'url(' + settings.imagebtnnext + ') right 15% no-repeat'}) .unbind() .bind('click', function () { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } else { // show the images button for next buttons $('#lightbox-nav-btnnext').unbind().hover(function () { $(this).css({'background': 'url(' + settings.imagebtnnext + ') right 15% no-repeat'}); }, function () { $(this).css({'background': 'transparent url(' + settings.imageblank + ') no-repeat'}); }).show().bind('click', function () { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); return false; }); } } // enable keyboard navigation _enable_keyboard_navigation(); } /** * enable a support to keyboard navigation * */ function _enable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).keydown(function (objevent) { _keyboard_action(objevent); }); } /** * disable the support to keyboard navigation * */ function _disable_keyboard_navigation() { $(document).unbind(); } /** * perform the keyboard actions * */ function _keyboard_action(objevent) { // to ie if (objevent == null) { keycode = event.keycode; escapekey = 27; // to mozilla } else { keycode = objevent.keycode; escapekey = objevent.dom_vk_escape; } // get the key in lower case form key = string.fromcharcode(keycode).tolowercase(); // verify the keys to close the ligthbox if ((key == settings.keytoclose) || (key == 'x') || (keycode == escapekey)) { _finish(); } // verify the key to show the previous image if ((key == settings.keytoprev) || (keycode == 37)) { // if we纾杄 not showing the first image, call the previous if (settings.activeimage != 0) { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage - 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } // verify the key to show the next image if ((key == settings.keytonext) || (keycode == 39)) { // if we纾杄 not showing the last image, call the next if (settings.activeimage != (settings.imagearray.length - 1)) { settings.activeimage = settings.activeimage + 1; _set_image_to_view(); _disable_keyboard_navigation(); } } } /** * preload prev and next images being showed * */ function _preload_neighbor_images() { if ((settings.imagearray.length - 1) > settings.activeimage) { objnext = new image(); objnext.src = settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage + 1][0]; } if (settings.activeimage > 0) { objprev = new image(); objprev.src = settings.imagearray[settings.activeimage - 1][0]; } } /** * remove jquery lightbox plugin html markup * */ function _finish() { $('#jquery-lightbox').remove(); $('#jquery-overlay').fadeout(function () { $('#jquery-overlay').remove(); }); // show some elements to avoid conflict with overlay in ie. these elements appear above the overlay. $('embed, object, select').css({'visibility': 'visible'}); } /** / third function * getpagesize() by quirksmode.com * * @return array return an array with page width, height and window width, height */ function ___getpagesize() { var xscroll, yscroll; if (window.innerheight && window.scrollmaxy) { xscroll = window.innerwidth + window.scrollmaxx; yscroll = window.innerheight + window.scrollmaxy; } else if (document.body.scrollheight > document.body.offsetheight) { // all but explorer mac xscroll = document.body.scrollwidth; yscroll = document.body.scrollheight; } else { // explorer mac...would also work in explorer 6 strict, mozilla and safari xscroll = document.body.offsetwidth; yscroll = document.body.offsetheight; } var windowwidth, windowheight; if (self.innerheight) { // all except explorer if (document.documentelement.clientwidth) { windowwidth = document.documentelement.clientwidth; } else { windowwidth = self.innerwidth; } windowheight = self.innerheight; } else if (document.documentelement && document.documentelement.clientheight) { // explorer 6 strict mode windowwidth = document.documentelement.clientwidth; windowheight = document.documentelement.clientheight; } else if (document.body) { // other explorers windowwidth = document.body.clientwidth; windowheight = document.body.clientheight; } // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport if (yscroll < windowheight) { pageheight = windowheight; } else { pageheight = yscroll; } // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport if (xscroll < windowwidth) { pagewidth = xscroll; } else { pagewidth = windowwidth; } arraypagesize = new array(pagewidth, pageheight, windowwidth, windowheight); return arraypagesize; }; /** / third function * getpagescroll() by quirksmode.com * * @return array return an array with x,y page scroll values. */ function ___getpagescroll() { var xscroll, yscroll; if (self.pageyoffset) { yscroll = self.pageyoffset; xscroll = self.pagexoffset; } else if (document.documentelement && document.documentelement.scrolltop) { // explorer 6 strict yscroll = document.documentelement.scrolltop; xscroll = document.documentelement.scrollleft; } else if (document.body) {// all other explorers yscroll = document.body.scrolltop; xscroll = document.body.scrollleft; } arraypagescroll = new array(xscroll, yscroll); return arraypagescroll; }; /** * stop the code execution from a escified time in milisecond * */ function ___pause(ms) { var date = new date(); curdate = null; do { var curdate = new date(); } while (curdate - date < ms); }; // return the jquery object for chaining. the unbind method is used to avoid click conflict when the plugin is called more than once return this.unbind('click').click(_initialize); }; })(jquery); // call and execute the function immediately passing the jquery object